Tag Archives: Maintenance

11 Feb 2021

Steel construction is becoming increasingly popular all over the world with many of the top architectural wonders consisting of steel, whether it’s structural, carbon or rebar. Many industries rely on steel products and structural steel fabrication services as its more eco-friendly and offers faster construction, among many other benefits.

In the construction world, steel is commonly used for structural support in buildings, bridges and other large-scale projects. These designs are often complex and demanding as they require the highest integrity and capable of withstanding all sorts of conditions. In this article, you’ll learn more about what structural steel fabrication is and why it’s imperative to choose the right engineering company.

30 Jan 2016

Whatever industry you’re if you are running machinery it’s essential that it’s maintained and serviced regularly. If this doesn’t happen you leave yourself open to mechanical failures, delayed deadlines and ultimately loss of income or lost customers.

Despite manufacturers knowing this a report at the end of last year from Bosch Rexroth in conjunction with the Institute of Engineering and Technology revealed that the maintenance budgets of more than 50% of the responding manufacturers had stagnated or even reduced over the last 5 years.

This is a worrying statistic when you consider that many manufacturers have not only increased the amount of machinery and equipment they use, but that machinery has also increased in complexity.

3 Feb 2015

For many companies, machinery maintenance is seen as boring and dirty but machinery maintenance is something that should not be taken lightly. Your ability to run an effective lean manufacturing business is reliant upon the effective and efficient running of your machinery.

While the cost of a regular maintenance plan may initially feel like as though it’s costly, it will be nowhere near as costly as a major equipment breakdown resulting in an inability to continue with production or service.

30 Jun 2014

Overheating is an issue within industry, not just for those workers struggling to cope with the increasing temperatures that even a British summer can bring, but for the industry’s machinery too.

Whilst the rising heat and humidity levels create physical discomfort, they represent real danger for the electronic components of machine tools, computers and other shop equipment. Overheating and humidity can cause switch contacts to become oxidized and begin arcing. It can also cause decreased insulation resistance, leading to shorts, loss of conductivity and changes in resistance.

13 Aug 2012

Onsite installation-maintenance is a facility that helps to turn an engineering service provider like PRV Engineering, from an excellent choice of supplier, into a great one. Design and manufacture are great skills to have, and we are proud to be able to boast that we have both in abundance. But going to another organisation’s site, and carrying out quality onsite intallation-maintence work under demanding circumstances, is not something that many engineering companies are capable of doing.
First of all, carrying out on site installation-maintenance work itself requires great knowledge, skill, and ability, and not just a small amount of confidence in your own ability. But you’ve also got to have the right mindset. When your engineers are out there in the big wide world, they are representing your business. It’s therefore very important that as well as possessing the requisite skills and experience, they also know how to deal with the client too. And if our clients are anything to go by, they don’t suffer fools gladly. So we ensure that our engineers are polite, display good manners, and act with propriety at all times.


February 2025