

6 Oct 2017

Silver plating refers to the process of covering a conductive surface with silver to prevent corrosion while adding a lustrous shine to it. Not that silver plating is all about looks and it certainly doesn’t mean second on the podium either. In fact, it’s the best metal for conducting electricity which makes it a popular choice for electronics and semiconductors. We believe that silver plating is a critical

18 Aug 2017

Technology is at the point where talking about a flying car should come as no surprise. This can be attributed mainly to the new lightweight material, improved batteries, advanced computer technology and controls. According to reports, DeLorean Aerospace is in the process of developing a two-seater VTOL aircraft called the DR-7. This puts Paul DeLorean in a whole new category along with Airbus, Uber, Darpa and the likes of Larry Page.

The DeLorean is best remembered for the time-traveling sports car from Back to the Future films piloted by Doc Brown. Who would have thought his quote would

19 May 2017

Futurologist Jeremy Rifkin claimed that 3D printing is the beginning of a third industrial revolution. This means it would subsequently succeed the production line assembly that dominated manufacturing which started in the late 19th century. What if he’s right? Imagine printing a new valve for a broken tap or a brake disc for your car. In contrast, perhaps something simpler like a new plate when your little ones drop the good dishes. The possibilities are essentially endless given the right materials and machines.

5 May 2017

In recent times there has been an even bigger drive for renewable energy than ever before. This has also given rise once again to the solar power car. It could be due to the global warming phenomena or maybe we finally realised that the sun is in fact our biggest energy source and it’s free. At least in theory it is but putting in place the technology to store sufficient amounts of energy is the challenging part.

21 Apr 2017

Automotive Engineering at it’s Best

Great road cars, sports cars and racing cars all have one important thing in common – total design and engineering! These are not just sports cars; they’re automotive engineering genius. With such striking features, phenomenal power to weight ratio, intelligent design and mind-blowing top speeds, who wouldn’t want to get behind the wheel?

18 Feb 2017

McLaren has announced that it is to construct the new McLaren Composites Technology Centre (MCTC) in Sheffield. The facility is the result of a £50m joint investment with Sheffield City Council and the University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC).

The facility, which will create 200 jobs will be the first purpose built facility outside of the existing McLaren site in Woking, Surrey. The centre will be responsible for the research and manufacture of carbon fibre chassis for current McLaren automotive cars and also for future models. With work on the new centre due to start shortly, it is anticipated that there will be 2 years of research and development before advanced carbon fibre chassis will be manufactured from 2020. This will mean that at this point in time almost 60% of all McLarens will be UK sourced.


February 2025