Tag Archives: Steel Framed Building

30 Jul 2021

Although the construction of steel buildings dates back to the 20th century, it wasn’t until World War II that it became common practice. After the war ended, steel buildings expanded significantly as steel became more readily available. Today, companies like PRV Engineering benefit from modern technology, state-of-the-art machinery and computer-aided design software that have taken steel fabrication to the next level.

11 Feb 2021

Steel construction is becoming increasingly popular all over the world with many of the top architectural wonders consisting of steel, whether it’s structural, carbon or rebar. Many industries rely on steel products and structural steel fabrication services as its more eco-friendly and offers faster construction, among many other benefits.

In the construction world, steel is commonly used for structural support in buildings, bridges and other large-scale projects. These designs are often complex and demanding as they require the highest integrity and capable of withstanding all sorts of conditions. In this article, you’ll learn more about what structural steel fabrication is and why it’s imperative to choose the right engineering company.

10 Apr 2015

Advances in building construction have introduced many new and improved options including the use of steel framed building construction. These steel structures are formed through steel framework fabrication. The advantages of steel as a structural design material are well documented. Advantages include the strength-weight ratio that allows steel to bear great weights and ductility, which is the ability to withstand stress for a long period of time and bend without breaking.

Why go for steel framework?
All these same advantages are found in steel frameworks, however the use of steel frames in general has many advantages.


February 2025