Tag Archives: Spray Painting

19 Jun 2019

The term “fabrication” means to make something from raw materials whether it’s wood, plastic or certain types of metals. Several industries currently benefit from aluminium fabrication which refers mostly to the construction of metal structures. Choosing a material is a critical decision in all aspects of the production but so is the finishing process.

Although you can fabricate any metal, aluminium is considered one of the most common resulting in big demand for aluminium fabrication services across the world. It’s not surprising if you consider that aluminium is all around us in our homes and office buildings. Some of the most common are aluminium gates and aluminium frameworks used for doors, windows and even showers.

13 Aug 2016

When it comes to manufacturing parts or components the way each one is finished reflects the quality of workmanship. If you don’t finish a job properly, then it doesn’t matter how careful you’ve been with the initial production, cutting or moulding, the end product is not going to look good. And the way the end product looks will always have an impact on saleability.

There could, of course, also be an impact on your costs. If your customer is unhappy with the finish of an order, you may have to start all over again, meaning more waste and increased costs. And there’s the health and safety aspect of poor finishing. Rough or sharp edges won’t be acceptable to your customer and may also cause injuries to those working with them.

10 Jun 2015

Finishing image of industrial spray painting Finishing any engineering job properly is just as important as any other operation along the production cycle. And by finishing the engineering job, we’re not talking about tidying the file and completing the invoicing. We are talking about the paint or powder coating finish to the product

The appearance of a finished product will always have an impact on the saleability. After all, if something looks rough and unfinished it’s less likely to sell. In addition, there’s the safety impact to consider. Rough edges and burrs can not only put buyers off but can be a serious health and safety risk. So an important part of finishing is to remove those risks.

5 Sep 2013

Spray painting was invented in 1892 and whilst it might not require the imagination of Picasso or Constable, it does need a high level of skill to do the job well.
But why do we need to spray paint machines in the industrial sector? Why not just leave the manufactured machines in their original state?

The answer is two-fold. Spray painting not only protects the customers’ machines against rust, but it makes the machines look good!

Six spray painting methods

  1. Air gun spraying
  2. HVLP (High Volume Low Pressure)
  3. LVLP (Low Volume Low Pressure)
  4. Electrostatic spray painting
  5. Air assisted airless spray guns
  6. Airless spray guns

The main variables that industrial spray painters consider when undertaking a job are as follows:

20 Aug 2012

Finishing with a flourish might sound a little flamboyant. But precision engineering isn’t exactly the sexiest of subjects, so please allow us at PRV Engineering a little leeway, and an opportunity to indulge ourselves!

Finishing any engineering job properly is just as important as any other operation along the production cycle. You’ll have gathered by now that we are talking about engineering finishing rather than simply closing down the job file and archiving it away. No, the sort of finishing that we allude to in this context is painting, both wet paint and electro powder coat.

PRV Engineering have come a long way since our lowly beginnings, when we first set up in 1986 manufacturing tamper proof Lids for the Metal Packaging Industry. We are now one of the leading suppliers of engineering services in Europe, and the journey has been long, and arduous, but ultimately rewarding.

19 Oct 2011
26 Sep 2011

Industrial spray painting may not require Rembrant’s talent but one still needs a high level of skill to do the job well.

But first we want to answer this question: Why are companies like PRV Engineering needed to paint heavy machinery in the first place?  Why not just leave it the way that it is? Well there are two answers to this question: to ensure that our customers’ machines do not rust, and, of course, to keep the machines generally looking good.

Industrial spray painting differs from other types of painting, for example the type of painting you would do in your home, because there are many different variables to consider.  For instance, industrial painters have to look at aspects like flammability and the temperature.  They need to determine whether the paint is flammable and how well it will preform and last under temperatures that are likely to get very high while the machine is operating.

Aspects of Industrial Spray Painting

Painters use various techniques in conjunction with a variety of sprayers and other technology to apply paint to machinery but here are the main variables that industrial spray painters consider when undertaking a job:

  • Substrate Preparation – Substrate is the preparation of the surface that requires painting. Painters have to ensure that the substrate is cleaned properly for even and proper painting. It is a proven fact that as high as 80% of all paint jobs fail because of improper preparation of the surface before painting.
  • Paint Thinning – There are times in the painting process when the paint needs to be thinned out for proper application and coverage. Thinners are different from each other on the basis of what they can dissolve and heir odor and their flammability. For most paints, mineral spirits, along with an alkyd or oil base, can be used for thinning but there might be other paints that require other types of thinners.
  • Spraying – The actual spraying also requires great care and precision on the part of the painter. Variables in the spraying process include the type of paint finish that is required, the type of paint being used and the substrate type.  There’s a large variety of spraying devices and guns that can be used so industrial painters must consider all the variables and chose the right spraying device to achieve an evenly distributed and smooth finish.  Painters also have the flexibility to choose the amount of pressure that the paint is applied with and this is measured in pounds per square inch.

If you are interested in talking to us about your spray painting requirements, contact us at PRV Engineering as we would be happy to advise you on what would be best for your machinery.


February 2025