Tag Archives: armour plating

2 Oct 2024

The Best UK Military Tank: Chobham Armour Explained

The UK Military has long been at the forefront of armoured vehicle innovation, with the Challenger 2 main battle tank being one of its most formidable assets. This tank, along with its American counterpart, the Abrams, represents the pinnacle of Western military engineering. Both tanks feature advanced armour plating systems that set new standards in battlefield protection and survivability. In this article, we delve into the best tank armour used by the UK Military, with a focus on the Challenger 2 and its role within UK defence.

21 Oct 2022

General Dynamics Land Systems (GDLS) unveiled its impressive AbramsX battle tank technology demonstrator at the AUSA 2022. According to former military officials, it is the most significant upgrade of American military tank technology since the early days of the Cold War. While the AbramsX battle tank refers to the Abrams tank family, it’s more of a concept of the future generation of the main battle tank to nullify new threats the modern battlefield brings.

25 Mar 2019

Image Credit: BAE Systems

Over the years advances in technology and engineering have accounted for many innovations within the defence sector. Last week we looked at naval vessels and today, we focus on the Challenger 2 MK2 Black Night Battle Tanks.

The original Challenger 2 served with distinction in Bosnia, Kosovo and Iraq and now, the Ministry of Defence (MoD) has extended its service to 2035. BAE Systems have introduced the first working prototype of the Black Night upgrade to the UK’s main battle tank, Challenger 2. It features a state-of-the-art thermal imaging system and many improved defensive systems capable of challenging anything standing in its way.

29 Jun 2018

When you think of military vehicles, what comes to mind first? Traditionally, tanks and Humvees are always common but times have changed and will continue to do so. Advanced warfare and new technologies are major contributing factors influencing the types of military vehicles required in the future. Weight, speed, cost and armament all play pivotal roles.

Looking back at 2014, DARPA announced the launch of its Ground X-Vehicle Technology (GXV-T) program. In a nutshell, GXV-T aims at finding high-tech alternatives to normal armour plating. Success would result in tanks weighing much less, travel twice as fast while still protecting its occupants. The problem comes in with advancing technology as artillery designers keep making bigger anti-tank guns. This has generally been the case and in response, tank designers just add more armour.

One such example is America’s main battle tank, the M1A2 Abrams. It weighs an astonishing


February 2025