Electric boat building has become big business in the maritime sector with the latest vessel, Thor, using a thorium molten salt reactor. At first glance, it somewhat resembles a vessel you’d expect a James Bond villain to have. Unveiled by Norwegian maritime solutions company, Ulstein, this new electric boat concept has tremendous potential to bring us zero-emission cruises and other marine applications. With everything they’ve put on board, it can be used for research, rescue, and replenishing missions among others.
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the National Energy Laboratory (NREL) have introduced a new heat engine without any moving parts. The device is about 40% efficient, suggesting it may one day take the place of conventional steam turbines. The results were recently published in the journal Nature.
Could there be a new, improved method for delivering nuclear fusion? A British fusion company seems to think so as their novel pistol shrimp-inspired system has succeeded with aplomb. According to a company spokesperson, they aim to have a pilot plant operational by the 2030s. This could have a tremendously positive impact on the UK, especially with the current energy crisis.
With all the hype around sustainability and decarbonisation in the transportation sector, everything is pointing to achieving net-zero. However, it’s not an easy feat since there are many moving parts but there are some fascinating aviation innovations that could turn the industry on its head.
Whatever your beliefs around global warming, CO2 emissions are real and have been linked to climate change. Carbon capture is part of the solution and while it’s not a new concept, researchers from the University of Delaware have developed a new method that can remove 99% of CO2 emissions from the air. Let’s take a closer look at what carbon capture is, how the process works and what the new method entails.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard of 5G technology and how it could change our lives forever. 5G is the next-generation cellular data network and is slated to drastically improve wireless connections and data transfer rates. It will also be far more capable to power some of the most advanced technologies used in smart cities and autonomous vehicles among others.
Experts predict that 5G technology could have a huge impact on several sectors including manufacturing, defence and medical. In this article, we take a closer look at some of the most FAQs on 5G. Find out how it works, how fast the connection speed really is and whether 5G is safe.
Boring can be a frustrating and expensive process especially when you encounter rocks that can destroy your equipment. Powered by machine vision, a new tunnelling or drilling robot can micro tunnel through the toughest conditions faster and more reliably than conventional methods. According to the company, its next-gen drilling robot can bore through rock considered too challenging for other tunnelling machines.
The UK is set to benefit from a £53m investment by the government to build five new digital manufacturing research centres. The funding has been made possible through the national Made Smarter programme. This collaboration between the UK government and industry supports the development and use of emerging technologies. But what is digital manufacturing and how can companies use it to their advantage?
The world is advancing at a rapid pace and not only in engineering and manufacturing but also in education. Thanks to better and more widespread internet access and emerging technologies, the way children, youth and adults will learn in the future is changing. In this article, we look at education and how social, economic, and technological changes will revolutionise how we learn at school or university.
Solar power seems the most likely renewable energy solution when looking into the future. This conversion of energy turns sunlight into electricity, either directly through photovoltaics (PV), indirectly using concentrated solar power or a combination. But now, Caltech is taking this a step further by collecting solar power in space and sending it to Earth but before we get into Caltech’s Space Solar Power Project (SSPP), let’s take a quick look at what solar power is.
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