
3D Printing

23 Mar 2018

3D printing has been the talking point for quite some time and now, the construction industry is taking full advantage. Additive manufacturing is fast becoming a great asset across various sectors and thanks to new technology, 3D printed houses are a real possibility. How about building a house in just one day?

We see the benefits of 3D printing in the manufacturing, medical and the fashion industry from prototype to production. With construction in mind and large-scale 3d printers, it is now possible to think about bigger projects. It goes without saying that additive manufacturing is ideal for creating models especially in architecture where models are rendered prior to construction.

22 Dec 2017

A glimpse into the future of mountain rescue could mean replacing the image of our furry friend, the St Bernard. No surprise really as technology is forever advancing and with that, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) made from carbon fiber with a 2.2 meter wingspan.

A team of students at the prestigious University of Warwick School of Engineering in Coventry, England, has designed an unmanned aerial vehicle. The core concept is to deliver immediate aid and equipment to people in need before a rescue team arrives. These UAV’s will essentially be the first responders.

1 Dec 2017

Throughout human history there has been, and still is, a number of methods used to manufacture custom parts. Today, modern manufacturing sees 3D printing and CNC machining as the most common ones. In fact, both utilise computer numerical control (CNC), which developed from traditional milling methods after the Second World War.

With the rapid growth of 3D printing technology, many would agree it has become the first choice for a host of industries. On the other hand, CNC machining is still considered a reliable standard and you will not find much nowadays without the involvement of CNC machining

8 Sep 2017

In case you missed it, last year saw a great number of technological innovations with 3D Printing heavy on everyone’s lips. None more so than Airbus and APWorks’ Light Rider. They claimed in early 2016 that they were working on the world’s first 3D Printed motorcycle. Using their 3D printing expertise, they’ve recently produced the first prototype 3D Printed electric motorcycle and it looks fantastic.

11 Aug 2017
30 Jun 2017

Medical Technology – The future is now

The world we live in changes every single day. Whether it’s a new breakthrough medical technology, advances in energy storage or space travel. Our future is becoming harder to predict. I mean, who knows where we will be at the end of 2017? What treatments or life altering medicines will be available to us in only a few short months?

Many of the breakthroughs we have today weren’t available 5 years ago; some weren’t even around last year. Scientists, researchers and doctors are working tirelessly to find new ways to treat different diseases, conditions or ailments. Some of the new medical advances will certainly improve your life but others might even save you.

26 May 2017

PRV will be at Subcon Birmingham NEC

On Tuesday 6th of June, the Subcon show for 2017 kicks off at the Birmingham NEC. Subcon is the UK’s premier subcontract manufacturing supply chain show and this year is not to be missed. The Subcon show will run alongside the Advanced Manufacturing and The Engineer Design & Innovation Show. The show is until 8 June so you have plenty of time to rub shoulders with the best of the best.

19 May 2017

Futurologist Jeremy Rifkin claimed that 3D printing is the beginning of a third industrial revolution. This means it would subsequently succeed the production line assembly that dominated manufacturing which started in the late 19th century. What if he’s right? Imagine printing a new valve for a broken tap or a brake disc for your car. In contrast, perhaps something simpler like a new plate when your little ones drop the good dishes. The possibilities are essentially endless given the right materials and machines.

14 Apr 2017

Industries That Define CNC Precision-Engineering

Since the introduction of the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine back in the 1940’s by John T. Parson, they have been praised for being accurate, fast, consistent and flexible. Since then, we’ve come a long way with machines like our VTC-5-Axis and  Mazak Integrex i400. These machines are better, faster and capable of achieving

8 Apr 2017

Space Exploration – Beyond Imagination

We are in a race for space travel once again and through the imagination of movie producers and the real advancements in technology, we are all hooked. Movies like Star Trek, Star Wars and a few others did a great job at capturing our feelings and imagination. Even though it may have been science fiction, it’s the sheer possibility of space exploration that drives our love of astronomy and our desire to learn more.

Space is not infinite and somehow there must be an end to it. But if there is, nobody on Earth has figured out where it is, at least not yet. The only thing that has brought us to “the end of the universe” is our limited ability to see deeper into space.

We are getting closer though with advances in technology and propulsion like


February 2025